RHEL 7, CentOS 7, Ubuntu18, SLES12, macOS STIG 2020Q4

What's New?

  • RHEL maintained at 7.8, STIG updated to v3r1
  • CentOS updated to 7.8.2003, STIG updated to v3r1
  • SuSE maintained at 12 SP 5, STIG updated to v2r1
  • Ubuntu updated to 18.04.5, STIG updated to v2r1
  • NEW! For the first time, we have added arm64 support for our product line. Ubuntu is the first available operating system. If you require something else, please let us know and we'll add it as well!
  • macOS 10.13, 10.14 updated to STIG v2r1
  • Tomcat 8 updated to 8.5.59
  • Tomcat 9 updated to 9.0.39
  • All current patches updated as of 10/28/2020

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