What kind of support is included?

All subscriptions include support for the duration of your subscription, in order to ensure our products function as intended. It should be noted that hardened operating systems commonly require special configuration in many third-party software products. We are happy to help you resolve any integration issues you find only to the scope that our team is able to assist. We're your operating system experts, but you're your application experts.

If you encounter a defect in any of our products - Say, for instance, our competitor's scanner says it's vulnerable! - we will investigate and fix our products as necessary. This level of support is available for all active and prospective customers. We stand behind our work, 100% of the time!

(Any issues that are reported will be shared with customers immediately on our Release Notes page.)

All support inquiries should be directed to [email protected], or via voicemail at (505) NEMU123

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